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Screen LabelDescriptionTypeTypical RangeUnits
SW1State of the external switch 1.Boolean OFFON 
SW2State of the external switch 1.Boolean OFFON 
SW3State of the external switch 1.Boolean OFFON 
SW4State of the external switch 1.Boolean OFFON 
SW5State of the external switch 1.Boolean OFFON 
SW6State of the external switch 1.Boolean OFFON 
FET1State of driver FET switch 1Boolean OFFON 
FET2State of driver FET switch2Boolean OFFON 
FETINHState of driver FET inhibit signalBoolean OFFON 
SNS VOLTVoltage on the differential sensor (usually throttle position or pressure sensor), depending on the application.Voltage05Volts
BUS VOLT12 V power supplied to the controller.Voltage815Volts
FET CRNTMeasured current in amps supplied to the FET switches.Current0 to 55Amps
SW1 PLUPState of the programmable pullup current source on external switch 1.Boolean OFFON 
SW2 PLUPState of the programmable pullup current source on external switch 2.Boolean OFFON 
SW3 PLUPState of the programmable pullup current source on external switch 3.Boolean OFFON 
SNS GNDEnable / disable for the grounding switch on the differential sensor.Boolean OFFON 
FREQ IN0Measured frequency on the speed / tachometer input 0.Frequency06000Hz
FREQ IN1Measured frequency on the speed / tachometer input 1.Frequency06000Hz
FREQ OUT1Output frequency of the programmable tachometer / speed output.Frequency06000Hz
ENG. RPMMeasured engine speed in RPM.Rotational Speed015000 RPM
TOSS RPMMeasured transmission output shaft or speedometer cable speed.Rotational Speed010000 RPM
SPEEDVehicle speed in MPH.Speed0200MPH
TPSThrottle position in percentage.Percentage0100%
CLOCKRunning time clock.Time0 seconds
LK TPSThrottle position above which the torque converter clutch is always unlocked.Percentage0100%
ULK TPSThrottle position below which the torque converter clutch is always unlocked. Must be less than LK TPS.Percentage0100%
LK SPDMinimum speed at which the torque converter clutch may be locked.Speed30100MPH
ULK SPDSpeed below which the torque converter clutch is always unlocked. Must be less than LK SPD.Speed30100MPH
LK DLYTime, in seconds, after 4th gear engagement, to allow torque converter clutch actuation.Time02.5seconds
TPS VOLTVoltage on the throttle position sensor.Voltage05Volts
TPS LOWVoltage on the throttle position sensor that corresponds to 0% throttleVoltage04.5Volts
TPS HIGHVoltage on the throttle position sensor that corresponds to 100% throttleVoltage0.55Volts
PRESSUREMeasured pressure in PSI when a pressure sensor is connected to the differential sensor input.Pressure0300PSI
OD MINOverdrive engagement speed at closed throttle (0%)Speed30100MPH
OD WOTOverdrive engagement speed at wide open throttle (100%).Speed30100MPH
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