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Connecting and Using an Overdrive Cancel Switch and Indicator

If your transmission needs one, the COMPUSHIFT controller provides an input wire for an overdrive cancel switch and an output wire to drive an LED indicator when the overdrive cancel function is active.

The switch can be wired in a number of different ways so that it can be used with an aftermarket switch or integrated into a vehicle’s existing wiring.

Wiring the Switch

The OD cancel switch can be wired four different ways. The table below outlines the different ways to wire the switch, and how to set the parameters in the Vehicle Settings/Transmission Options menu.

If this input is present on the harness and not being used, it should be taped off to prevent an inadvertent short circuit.

Switch Configuration

Overdrive Cancel
Switch Action

Overdrive Cancel
Switch Sense


Pushbutton switch to ground

Momentary, Initially On

Momentary, Initially Off

To Ground

Press the button to toggle between on and off. When the switch action is set to “Initially On” the system will power on with the overdrive cancelled.

Toggle switch to ground


To Ground

Moving the switch to the on position cancels overdrive.

Pushbutton switch to vehicle +12 power

Momentary, Initially On

Momentary, Initially Off

To Power

Press the button to toggle between on and off. When the switch action is set to “Initially On” the system will power on with the overdrive

Toggle switch to vehicle +12 power


To Power

Moving the switch to the on position cancels overdrive.

Wiring the LED

The OD cancel indicator output has sufficient power to run an LED, but not an incandescent lamp. The output is current limited, and can run most LED’s without adding a resistor, though the presence of one will usually not affect anything.

The anode (positive side) of the LED should be wired to the output, and the cathode (negative side) should be wired to ground.

If the output isn’t going to be used, it should be taped off in the harness.

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