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Install the Overdrive Cancel Switch (Optional)

HGM offers a billet push-button switch that can be used for overdrive cancel on transmissions that need it.

Installing the Switch

Here are the simple instructions on how to install it:

  1. Locate a position that is easy to reach from the drivers seat.
  2. Drill a 19mm or 3/4" hole for the switch.
  3. Install the switch from the front with the o-ring in place.
  4. Install the nut on the rear of the switch.  Tighten gently.
  5. From the switch, the red and yellow wires connect to ground. These wires have a ground lug already installed.
  6. The green wire on the switch connects to the blue/yellow wire from the COMPUSHIFT II engine harness labelled "O/D CANCEL"
  7. The other black wire from the switch connects to the blue/red wire from the COMPUSHIFT II engine harness labelled "O/D CANCEL LED"

Using the Switch

  • After the vehicle is started, the overdrive function is enabled.
  • Press the switch once to disable overdrive.  The LED ring will turn on.
  • Press the switch again to enable overdrive.  The LED ring will turn off.
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