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Changing a CSII Wiring Harness Terminal

If you need to change or remove a wire in any of your HGM wiring harness connectors, it is easy to do with the right tool.

Contact us to order a terminal remover. It is the exact size and shape needed to release the terminal without damage to the connector or the wire.

With the remover tool and a small flat-head screwdriver on hand, follow these steps below.

Use the small flat-head screwdriver with a gentle twist motion to release the clips that attach the retainer to the back side of the connector.

This photo shows how the removal tool releases the terminal connection inside the block. It fits exactly alongside the terminal and compresses the tooth that holds it in place.

Locate the wire you want to remove in the connector block. Partially insert the tool in the outside hole (closer to the outside edge of the block - not the smaller holes along the center line) that corresponds to the wire.

From the back, press the wire into the block slightly to release tension on the terminal tooth. Fully insert the tool to release the tooth and the wire will slide out easily. If it does not release, try giving it more slack from the back - do not tug.

If you need to replace wires, you can contact HGM to order additional terminals. We have terminals already connected to pre-cut sections of wire in many different colors.

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