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Installation Notes for GM 4L80E / 4L60E Series

Transmission Output Shaft Speed (TOSS) Sensor

A few different types of Transmission Output Shaft Speed (TOSS) sensors are used in the GM 4L80E / 4L60E Series.

Two (2) different adapter wires are shown here. In both cases, one side of the adapter wires plugs into the TOSS sensor; the other plugs into the COMPUSHIFT II wiring harness.

  • The connector with the orange gasket fits early-4L60E transmissions.
  • The connector with the blue gasket fits late-4L60E and all 4L80E transmissions (see note below).


Transmission Main Plug

Early GM 4L80E transmissions had two (2) types of main body connectors: one is used today, but the other (pre-1994 shown here) is no longer available. While COMPUSHIFT II does not provide the connector for the discontinued model, fortunately, it can be easily fitted with the internal wiring harness / plug from a late-model GM 4L80E. Order it from General Motors, Part No. P/N24200161, and have a qualified transmission shop install.


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