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System Diagnostics

The COMPUSHIFT II is equipped with a self-contained diagnostics system that can help troubleshoot transmission system problems.

In the diagnostic mode, any input to COMPUSHIFT II can be read, and any transmission function can be commanded.

This mode should only be used by qualified transmission technicians. It should never be used to drive a vehicle. The transmission will resume being in a "safe" mode once diagnostics are exited.

 Enter the diagnostic mode by pressing the "Select" button.

System Diagnostics

Shift Pressure

Use this screen to actively adjust shift pressure. (This value will be held until you exit diagnostics.)

Shift Solenoids

Use this screen to set the shift solenoids to any commanded gear. (This command will be held until you exit diagnostics.)

Torque Converter Clutch

Use this screen to engage the Torque Converter Clutch. You can set it to Off or On.


Be especially careful locking the TCC on a vehicle with its driven wheels on the ground (e.g., the front wheels on a front-wheel-drive vehicle). The vehicle could move suddenly and the engine could stall.

Gear Lever Position

This screen displays the current gear lever position.

Transmission Temperature

This screen displays the current temperature of the transmission.

Transmission Output Shaft Speed

This screen displays the current reading from the TOSS sensor.

Switch Input Diagnostics

This menu will display current switch input values.

Voltage Input Diagnostics

This screen will show voltages at different controller inputs.

Speed Input Diagnostics

This screen will show the frequency of speed sensors.

Switch Output Diagnostics

This screen will show the status of switch input pullup current sources.

Software Version

This screen displays the current software version information for your reference.

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