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Connecting COMPUSHIFT to OBR Control Systems E8G


This guide provides details on setting up a COMPUSHIFT Sport or COMPUSHIFT Pro to OBR Control Systems E8G. The E8G is often used part of the OBR Control Systems Ford 7.3 V8 'Godzilla' Control Pack.

When the COMPUSHIFT and E8G controllers are connected together using CAN bus, signals like throttle position and engine speed are automatically transferred between the two units. No other connection is required.

Setup Instructions

  1. Connect the CAN bus between the COMPUSHIFT controller and the OBR E8G controller using the CAN-19 cable.

  2. Ensure that both controllers, COMPUSHIFT and E9G, are powered by the same switched ignition power.

  3. With power on and engine not running, use the COMPUSHIFT Setup app to navigate to the “Vehicle Setup Menu”.

  4. Ensure that the transmission type is set correctly for your application.

  5. Set the engine type on the COMPUSHIFT controller to “OBR Control Systems E8G”.

  6. Navigate to the dashboard on the COMPUSHIFT Setup app.

  7. Start the engine. Confirm that the engine speed and throttle position are reading correctly on the display.

Do NOT drive the vehicle until you have confirmed CAN communications are working properly and you have no trouble codes.

You can diagnose CAN bus problems by going to Diagnostics / Network Diagnostics on the COMPUSHIFT Setup app. The CAN 1 Receive Count should be steadily increasing when the ECU’s are communicating correctly. The error counts should always be 0. If you do have errors, confirm that the CAN bus baud rate is set to 1000 in Network Setup.

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