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TCC Minimum Throttle

This setting offers "A" and "B" modes. You can set up two different COMPUSHIFT configurations in advance, and use the mode switch to change between them.

As you release the throttle in a normal transmission configuration, the TCC is disengaged.

Use this setting to establish a minimum threshold on your transmission - if the throttle drops below this percentage, the TCC will unlock.

If the TCC minimum throttle is set to 0%, you can release the throttle and the TCC will never unlock. This can cause the engine to bog down when the engine gets close to the throttle speed. Setting this to a small number above zero will prevent this.

As you release the throttle in a normal transmission configuration, the TCC is disengaged.

Use this setting to establish a minimum threshold on your transmission - if the throttle drops below this percentage, the TCC will unlock.

If the TCC minimum throttle is set to 0%, you can release the throttle and the TCC will never unlock. This can cause the engine to bog down when the engine gets close to the throttle speed. Setting this to a small number above zero will prevent this.

TCC Minimum Throttle
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