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Loading, Saving, and Sharing Calibration Files

The CS Setup app has features to load, save, and share calibration files for any COMPUSHIFT Sport or COMPUSHIFT Pro controller, as well as edit those files offline.

Saving Calibration

Start at the home screen and press the menu button ≡ at the top left to open the action menu.
From there, select “Save Calibration”.

You will be prompted for a file name to save to. A default file name will be create the controller serial number and the current date and time, but this can be changed as needed.

Press the “Save” button to continue.

The app will download the parameter values and then will write them to the file.

The Home screen will return when the save completes.

Loading a Calibration File into a Controller

Start at the home screen and press the menu button ≡ at the top left to open the action menu.
From there select “Load Calibration”.

From there you can choose a calibration file in the local directory or browse elsewhere as needed.

Once you choose a file, the system will prompt you for safety, and then start to load the file.

Editing a Calibration File Offline

You can also edit a calibration file while not connected to a controller (offline). When you are editing a file offline, the color scheme of the app changes from red to blue.

The steps for opening the file are the same as in the previous section:

  • Start at the home screen and press the menu button ≡ at the top left to open the action menu.

  • From there select “Browse” and locate a calibration file to edit on your device.

  • Select “Load Calibration” to load the file.

  • Edit your file as necessary.

  • Save your file when you are done editing using the “Save” option on the menu.

  • When you reconnect to your controller, you can then use Loading a Calibration File into Controller process above to load it into a controller.

Sharing a Calibration File

Start at the home screen and press the menu button ≡ at the top left to open the action menu. From there select “Browse Files”.
From there you can choose a calibration file in the local directories or browse elsewhere as needed.

If you select a file from the list, a menu allows you to choose to delete, rename, copy, share, or load a file.

Choose “Share”, and you will be presented with a number of options, including email and other apps that can handle files on your device.

Notes on Android Devices

Android does not have a sensible default location for loading and saving files, and this can be a problem when you are trying to find the calibration file. Usually the Share function can be used to direct the file to the desired place, but earlier versions of Android may not support that, so knowing the actual location can be helpful.

By default, the local save location for the CS Setup app to these locations, which are all aliases for one another:

  • /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.hgmelectronics.setup.cs/files

  • /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.hgmelectronics.setup.cs/files

  • /storage/self/primary/Android/data/com.hgmelectronics.setup.cs/files

If viewing in the Android File Manager app, the folder structure may show as follows: Internal Storage > Android > Data > com.hgmelectronics.setup.cs > files

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