Thanks for purchasing and installing the COMPUSHIFT Mini.
If you want to get started quickly, please read the COMPUSHIFT Mini Quick Install Guide.
The COMPUSHIFT Mini is a standalone plug-and-play system designed to control the torque converter clutch and overdrive on selected transmissions including:
- GM 700R4
- GM 2004R
- Chrysler A518 / 46RH
- Chrylser A618 / 47RH
Unlike other control modules that use vacuum switches or a simple delay timer, the COMPUSHIFT Mini uses throttle position and vehicle speed to optimize its shifting and clutch control.
A built-in display and keypad lets the user adjust and tune for their specific application, and diagnose problems should they occur.
The COMPUSHIFT Mini uses a miniaturized version of same control software and electronics as HGM's COMPUSHIFT II.