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Shift Pressure Tables

This setting offers "A" and "B" modes. You can set up two different COMPUSHIFT configurations in advance, and use the mode switch to change between them.

This set of screens lets you adjust the exact transmission pressure that correlate with throttle position. Based on your selection in the Transmission Type screen, the appropriate default shift tables will be pre-loaded here.

Use this set of screens to make detailed adjustments to the shift point for each gear change.


Before you edit, please read all the instructions below, including these Important Notes

Shift Pressure Tables A



Select a Gear To Edit

Based on your transmission, you will see a screen for each of your pressure tables..

They arranged in a rotating sequence.



Press the "Previous Screen" or "Next Screen" button to select the gear that you want to edit.
Press the "Select" button to edit the table for the selected pressure table.
Press the "Exit" button to exit the gear shift selection screens and to return to Advanced Setup


You can view the tables at two different levels of detail. You can make adjustments in both views. The zoomed-out view offers basic editing. The zoomed-in view allows fine-control editing.

           ||| Pressure
|||| Gear 1



Zoomed-Out View

This view shows you the complete table, end-to-end, with a screen for each gear change.

For most purposes, this view is sufficient for tuning your COMPUSHIFT II.



Press the Left or Right button to move horizontally inside the table. The horizontal axis represents Throttle Position Percentage.
  • Since you are in zoomed-out mode, the TPS % intervals will be factors of 10. This large range is indicated by the numbers at the top right of the screen (0%-100%).
  • Watch the right side of the screen to see the TPS % change as you move left and right.
  • Also watch the bottom of the screen to see the blinking cursor, indicating which column you are editing.


Use the "Increase" or "Decrease" button to adjust the value of the pressure.
  • The pressure is adjustable in 1% intervals. Watch the right side of the screen to see the PRB % change as you adjust the pressure for a given TPS %.
  • Also watch the graph to see roughly how the column you are adjusting compares to the other columns
When you are done editing the speed in as many of the columns as you want to adjust, press the "Select" button to save your settings.


           |||  0-100%
|||| PRB 50%
||||||| TPS 40%



Zoomed-In View

The zoomed-in view shows you every single point, which you can customize for your preferences.

Some clients find the extra detail available in zoomed-in view convenient as they fine-tune the pressure tables, especially at for low values of TPS%.


Enter the zoomed-in mode from the zoomed-out mode. Select a gear change to edit, move left/right in zoomed-out mode, and then press the "Option" button to zoom on in the data for that specific 10% range.
This mode gives you a "window" into the detailed data, showing you 10% of the TPS spectrum at a time. Check the top right of the screen to see what TPS % range you are viewing. 

Use the Left or Right button to move horizontally inside the table.
  • Watch the right side of the screen to see the TPS % change as you move left and right.
  • Also watch the bottom of the screen to see the blinking cursor, indicating which column you are editing.
  • Since you are in zoomed-in mode, each column represents a 1% interval in TPS %. You can move left/right all the way from 0% to 100% TPS in zoomed-in mode using the left/right buttons.
Use the "Increase" or "Decrease" button to adjust the value of the pressure.
  • The pressure is adjustable in 1% intervals. Watch the right side of the screen to see the PRB change as you adjust the speed for a given TPS %.
  • Also watch the graph to see roughly how your speed setting compares to the other columns.
When you are done editing the speed in as many of the columns as you want to adjust, press the "Option" button to return to zoomed-out mode.
 In zoomed-out mode, you will need to press the "Select" button to save your settings.
          |||  60- 70%
||||||| PRB 73%
|||||||||| TPS 66%



Important Notes

Your table must always have a flat or upwards slope, moving left to right. In other words, COMPUSHIFT II will not all you to set the shift pressure lower than a column that is to the left.

As you increase/decrease the value of a column, COMPUSHIFT will drag upwards/downwards any neighboring columns to ensure you don't have a situation that could confuse the system or damage your transmission.



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